Inflation, recession and the rise of new Omicron babies, BA what number are we at now?
Our world right now is throwing up (I mean vomitting) bad news left, right and centre. Without even turning on the news, I see media posts on Instagram with fear-based headlines, my Google news are popping up the same on my phone notifications. It’s like, we are all doomed – except it is NOT!
Like any other entrepreneurs that has braced through all kinds of storms for a decade or more, I’m here to tell you ONE GOOD NEWS – that you are in control of how good (or bad) your life is about to become.
You can make more money in 2022 and it has never been easier.
Are you stressed about the inevitable inflation and worried that soon, you will not have enough money to spend? Or perhaps you are already struggling with putting enough food on your family dining table (I feel you, I’m here for you.)
I would like to empower you because right now, there are so many ways we can earn money without leaving our homes. We can make money online.
How to make money online in 2022?
If you’re on Facebook or Instagram, you can choose to monetise in the following ways:
- Partner with your favourite brands
- Earn badges or stars in LIVE
- Earn recurring monthly income through subscriptions
- Sell a product or service online
1. Partner with your favourite brands
Don’t have a following? That doesn’t mean you do not quality.
Not keen to show up looking sexy or act cool online to get attention? That doesn’t mean you cannot influence anyone.
Don’t have creative skills to jazz up some great looking content? That doesn’t mean nobody cares about what you share.
DID YOU KNOW that if you have between 1k to 10k followers, you are considered a nano influencer? And yes, brands are loving authentic people who genuinely care about a product, a service or a cause.
If you have some creative skills or keen to learn some techniques (never try, never know!), then this will be exciting for you because by creating branded content that fits your style, you have the power to earn your way and grow your following. It’s pretty cool. It’s pretty easy, to be honest, you just need your smartphone and a willingness to learn a few techniques.
Partner with brands. Get paid.
Not sure how to pitch to brands and get deals? Welcome to the world of Creators Marketplace. Enjoy!
2. Earn badges or stars in LIVE
No time to create nice photos, videos or even write an article? If you like talking, you can share your knowledge, wisdom, experiences, new discoveries, or anything legit and of value to other humans, you can go LIVE on Facebook to earn stars or Instagram to earn badges.vv
How cool is this? Practise makes perfect, and it’s free to give it a go, so why not? You might get really good and build a following by going LIVE with your smart phone and talk. NOTE: Content is king, you’ll only attract others When you share something that informs, educate, or entertain.
In 2020, Facebook launched Subscriptions, which has helped creators build sustainable businesses powered by the support of their communities. Now with Instagram Subscriptions, creators can develop deeper connections with their most engaged followers and grow their recurring monthly income by giving subscribers access to exclusive content and benefits, all within the same platform where they interact with them already.
If you’re a coach (or can be one), teach your wisdom and skills without having to create an online course platform. Enable subscriptions and get paid for coaching.
If you’re a comedian, singer, performer or any kind, you can do exactly what you love virtually and reach global audience! Enable subscriptions and get paid for performing!
If you have products or merchandise to sell, you can sell on Instagram and Facebook. Reach new customers and make it easy for people to shop photos and videos wherever they spend time on Instagram.
With all my love and happy vibes 💛

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